Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Precious and Few

Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow within him.  John 7:38

Time is such a precious commodity. Our weekends are normally filled with trying to get chores done around the house, tee ball, flag football, karate, soccer, birthday parties, visiting with friends and family, church, Life Group, and multiple trips to either the grocery store or a restaurant or both. With such an action packed schedule, it can sometimes be hard to find some down time, let alone, quiet time spent with our loving Father.

As weird as it may sound, some of the only waking moments I have to myself are either spent jogging or working out in the early mornings, and it is during those times that I often talk to God.

The truth is that those few moments I spend in conversation with God are the most important of every day. When we spend time with God, His blessings flow into our lives like the streams of living water mentioned in today's passage.

By making time every day to spend with God, we glorify Him by delighting in His presence. We must learn to enjoy Him now and forever!!

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