Thursday, February 12, 2015


He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble. Psalm 91:15

The past few months have been pretty hectic at work.  I work as an insurance broker for J. Smith Lanier & Co., a large regional firm, located in the southeast. Without sharing too many details, PPACA or Health Care Reform has certainly presented a number of challenges the past few years, to say the very least. While difficult and confusing, the law has also presented new opportunities that have been rewarding and I have been blessed beyond all belief, but sometimes I feel like there is not enough time in the day.  To make matters worse, just when I feel I have a grasp on the law, it changes again! 

Sometimes when life is hectic or you are experiencing troubles, it may not seem like it, but rest assured that God is in control.  He is still omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, and He will always be.

When facing difficulties, we shouldn't question “Why did God let this happen to me?”  The godly response and one of complete trust is “Father, what do you want me to learn in response to this?”

Thanks be to God!

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