Friday, April 11, 2014

The Best of What's Around

I will be filled with joy because of you.  I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.  Psalm 9:2

As a Christian, it is easy sometimes to view aspects of life with their appropriate seriousness-sin and its consequences, fighting against evil, etc., but sometimes we overlook some of the great delights of being a follower of Christ.

I have enjoyed running for several years now.  With this time of the year being considered race season for most runners, I have decided to run more 5ks this year and did not participate in the Knoxville-Covenant Half-Marathon.  Just last year, I developed plantar fasciitis while training for the Half-Marathon.  Two years ago, I was sidelined due to a stress fracture.

While I enjoy running the 13.1 miles and have a time that I would eventually like to beat, I have really enjoyed the shorter races this year and have done pretty well.  

The point I am trying to make is that life sometimes makes an unexpected turn, or things don’t always happen the way we would like for them to.  God, however, is constant in His love for each of us and regardless of our circumstances, has a plan for us.   He made this wonderful world for us to live in and enjoy and wants us to serve Him enthusiastically and filled with joy.

Let us not lose our perspective on being able to enjoy the journey that God has planned for us, even if it is not the way we would necessarily have it.

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