Monday, February 11, 2013


He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble.  Psalm 91:15

This past weekend was wonderful, but also pretty hectic for the Fisher family…I have been out of town with a conference for work since Thursday of last week and the rest of the family came down to Atlanta on Friday for some other commitments over the weekend.  It’s not that being out of town visiting with family and friends is bad, it’s just not having any down-time to prepare for the upcoming week that can make things seem so out of whack for our family of four.  Ahhh, but such is life…

Sometimes when life is hectic or you are experiencing troubles, it may not seem like it, but rest assured that God is in control.  He is still omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, and He will always be.

When facing difficulties, we shouldn't question “Why did God let this happen to me?”  The godly response and one of complete trust is “Father, what do you want me to learn in response to this?”

Thanks be to God!

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