You will keep in
perfect peace him who is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord
forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal. Isaiah 26:3-4
The more I deepen my relationship with God, the more I find
out how wrong I have been about Him. We may have had someone else's
interpretation of God influence the way we view Him today, but make no
mistakes, God is the God of love and freedom.
God has given us all this great freedom and one that we can
easily take for granted is the freedom to choose the focal points of our minds.
If you look at all of the living creatures God has created, humans are the only
species that have this remarkable capacity because we were created in His
Every day we should strive to focus all of our thoughts on
our Loving Father. When we bring our thoughts into focus on His presence, God
provides us with a deeper sense of peace and wisdom that can only come from His
unconditional love.
Supported by God's unchanging love and mighty power, we can
stand firm despite trials and tribulation.