Friday, January 25, 2013

The Grand Illusion

“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace.  In the world you have trouble and suffering, but take courage-I have conquered the world.”  -Jesus Christ  (John 16:33)

People, myself included, often go to great lengths to live problem-free lives.  I have a nightly routine that I follow so that my morning routines are more manageable with feeding the boys breakfast and getting them out the door and off to school before I head to work for each day.  Regardless of how much I prepare for smooth sailing in the mornings, something unexpected always seems to take place when kids are involved.  And such is life.

Jesus clearly told His disciples “in the world you will have trouble.”  Too many of us cast our hopes into problem solving in this life rather than focusing on a problem-free eternity in the next life.  If we could redirect our time and energy into seeking Jesus Christ instead of seeking perfection in the fallen world in which we live, we could find peace and joy, even in the face of difficult circumstances.

You see, Jesus’ light shines the brightest for believers who trust Him during dark times, but doing so requires a supernatural kind of trust.

Remember that Jesus is less concerned with the ‘right circumstances’ rather than in the ‘right response’ to whatever comes our way!

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