Thursday, May 24, 2012


Those the Father has given me will come to me, and I will never reject them.  (John 6:37)

Alicia and I have been blessed with two wonderful sons.  Being a daddy, I particularly enjoy being able to pass along all of my extensive comic book and music knowledge to the boys.  However, being a father can be difficult at times, especially when the boys go out of their way to choose mommy over me.  This form of rejection is not subtle by any means and happened to me just the other evening when I wouldn't let our youngest have a lollipop.  Elijah was mad at me because he wanted a sucker like his older brother had.  I wouldn't let him have one because hard candy is dangerous and can easily be choked on by toddlers.  The next hour, Elijah proceeded to ignore me and had nothing to do with me, only mommy. This little incident got me to thinking how many times I have rejected God during the course of my lifetime; most likely because He did not answer one of my prayers in the exact way that I asked for it to be answered...sound familiar?

Thankfully, God accepts everyone who comes to Him in faith, even those who previously rejected Him.  We can always approach God knowing that He will make time for us and will always listen to us.  In fact, He is always dependable, always loves us and is always there for us.  

God never turns away from us and we can learn how to accept others that may be difficult for us to accept in His loving arms. 

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