Saturday, December 10, 2011

I Still Believe (The Great Design)

"I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief!"  Mark 9:24

God has answered some prayers for a couple of our dear friends this week in ways that are truly miraculous.  Without divulging any details, I can say that the journey has been long and the struggles have been plenty, but with many faithful prayers, God delivered in a profound way!!

The above proclamation of the demon-possessed boy from the book of Mark is something I have incorporated into my prayers quite often. The attitude of trust and complete confidence that the Bible calls belief or trust is not something that we can obtain without help.  Faith is a gift given to us from God.  No matter how much faith we have, we can never reach a point of self-dependence apart from God.  

Faith is not something that we can hoard and store away like money in a bank, either.  The process of going our faith is a constant process, one that needs to be renewed daily by renewing our trust in Jesus.

Praise His holy name!

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