Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Depending On You


Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.  Ephesians 6:10

One of the reoccurring missteps I make as a Christian is becoming way too self-reliant after experiencing a little success.  This mistake is one that is easy to make as a believer in the body of faith, as it is totally unnatural to live in total dependence on God. Think about how many self-help books you can find at any given bookstore...placing dependence on God goes against everything that the world tells us we need to do.

The truth of the matter is that we are in the midst of a spiritual battle while we are here on this earth; life will be a struggle until we draw our last breath and spend eternity in heaven.

The number one rule of engagement in our spiritual battle is to draw our strength from God.  While it seems simple, our natural default mode is to depend on ourselves and not on Him.

We must prepare and equip ourselves daily by prayer and staying grounded in His Word. If we are to bear spiritual fruit, we cannot rely on our own limited resources and strength; we must tap into God's never-ending strength and resources and essentially die to ourselves.

It's the only way we can win and survive; be strong in His mighty power!!

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