Sunday, February 18, 2024

One More Year


How great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear you. You lavish it on those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world. Psalm 31: 19-20

A good friend recently approached me about playing bass guitar in a new band he is trying to put together.  As much as I enjoy playing bass (more like playing 'at' the bass these days as I have been learning to play the mandolin the past year or so) and would have loved to have been a part of a band, I had to decline due to my schedule being full.

The more I think about it, I always seem to be ‘busy’, but busy doing what?  If you were raised like me at all, you were probably taught that if you want something, you can achieve or earn it through hard work.  While this may hold true in our professional careers, this could not be further away from how God intends us to live out our Christian faith.

Take for instance the above passage from Psalms…”how great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear you?”  There is not one singular mention of all that we as Believers need to do to earn more of God’s goodness.  The passage simply continues with “You lavish it(goodness) on those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world.”

I may be way off here, but I honestly believe that God wants us to love and focus our hearts and minds on Him.  Regardless, we continue to fill our schedules with all kinds of activities, meetings, appointments, and items with the hopes of being more successful and getting our slice of the pie.  Keep in mind that all good things and blessings flow from our loving Father and there is nothing we can possibly do or work harder to achieve any more or any less from Him.  He loves us all the same, no matter where we are in our walk of faith.

Thanks be to God!!!

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