Thursday, October 14, 2021

Good Times, Bad Times


Trust in, lean on, rely on, and have confidence in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts before Him.  God is a refuge for us-a fortress and a high tower. Psalm 62:8

If I can be perfectly honest with my Daily DEVO readers for a moment, the last few weeks have been tough and  got  me  asking God a lot of questions.  
To say that it's 'been busy' at work simply cannot begin to describe how the past few weeks have been for me and my team. There was a span of days this past month that I didn't wrap up the workday before the sun went down. Trying to assist my clients and insureds and keep them taken care of during the pandemic has been one of the single greatest challenges in my 20 years working as insurance broker.   Add personal responsibilities to the mix and you will start to come unraveled if you are not careful.

Like I have been known to do before, I have worked myself into a ‘funk’ now that I have been in for the past several days.  Regardless, I am feeling better now things really are going well at work, we have been blessed, just wish there was more time in each day. 

There are many things that just don't make sense to me right now, but I am convinced that I must rely on and trust God.  We cannot just trust God when things are going well, we must also learn to trust Him during bad times. I also believe that along the way on our journey with God, we will encounter many different trust tests with our loving Father.

We may never have all of the answers, but we must learn to live in our faith, trusting God in all circumstances.

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