Monday, April 12, 2021

Hold On


"Not as I will, but as You will." –Jesus Christ,  Matthew 26:39

The above statement was Jesus' final submission to God in the garden of Gethsemane before He was taken captive by a large crowd of armed men who ultimately led Him to His death on the cross after He was brutally beaten, publicly humiliated, and tortured.

I have a bad habit of selfishly asking God to answer my prayers in the way that I would like them to be answered.  Even when He gives me clear direction, I still do not always remain obedient and follow His will.  Regardless, I truly believe that the content of our prayers is less important to Him rather than our willingness to actually obey Him.

I can't begin to imagine what Jesus must have felt that night in Gethsemane.  The fear of knowing that His death was close at hand...seeing one of His Twelve disciples betray Him with a kiss and turn Him over to an armed mob.  Despite all of this, He remained faithful and obedient to God's will...even to the point of death.

We may not ever face a life or death decision, but God wants us to come to a place where we trust Him fully and obey Him, with every aspect of our lives.

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