Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise."  Luke 23:43

Just a few weeks ago, a friend of mine lost their mother in an accident. While having gone through the same loss, pain and heartache, I still struggle with finding the right words to offer to a friend who has lost someone that they love, in particularly a parent.  Despite not knowing what to say to comfort, I do cling to the peace in knowing that those of us who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will live in heaven for all of eternity...  

Clearly, the hope of eternal life alone can give our suffering on this earth and our lives ultimate significance and purpose. Good does not always triumph over evil in this world. The wicked sometimes prosper. Tragedies and suffering that have no apparent meaning or reason behind them often come our way.

Knowing that Jesus has been raised from the dead gives us the sure hope of eternal life and the confidence that all wrongs will eventually be righted. We are sure that Jesus has been raised from the dead because of the testimony of the Word of God;  testimony that is confirmed by the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy, the historical witness to the resurrection, and much more.

Knowing the family pretty well, I know that they are finding comfort knowing that he is most certainly spending eternity with his Heavenly Father, not battling cancer any longer, in a place so wonderful-paradise-that it defies all human comprehension. 

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