Sunday, July 14, 2019


God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.  Philippians 2:13

I recently recalled a powerful sermon that the late and great, Dr. Steve Sallee preached a few summers ago at Cokesbury HVA  entitled “Underdogs.”  One of the many points that has stuck with me all of these years later is that we must all come to a place of total submission where we give up our control and yield completely to Jesus Christ.  Far too often, we rely on our own strength instead of tapping into the supernatural powers available to all believers in faith.

God never will force Himself on any of us and we have all been blessed with our own free will. When you invite Jesus into your life, you are also giving Him permission to use His almighty power to change you.  We can attempt to change ourselves all that we want, but we will never see real results unless we turn it over to the One who has the power to make things happen.

If you open your hearts and allow God to make changes in you, you will see a transformation that will last a lifetime.  Your life will see dramatic changes if you allow God to do His work in you! Don’t rely in yourself, but rely on God and His never-ending supply of strength and power!

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