Friday, February 22, 2019

You're My Best Friend

We have known and believed the love that God has for us.  1 John 4: 16

When my sons were both younger and would became angry at me, they would storms off and says something to the effect of: "I don’t like you. You're not my best friend anymore, daddy."  Understanding a four or five year old can be difficult, and sometime temper tantrums occur for no good reason.  Regardless, those words still hurt!

In the end, it's love that creates in us a feeling of self-worth.  More importantly, it's God's unending, unconditional, and forgiving love that proves we are worthy.  If God created us, redeemed us with blood of Christ, and calls us His children, we are surely of great importance to Him.

The answer to feelings of unworthiness is love-the always and forever kind that only God gives each of us.  A love that is not based on what a person does or how they act, but one that is given to a beloved child of the Father forever!

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