Friday, October 26, 2018


Those who love money will never have enough.  How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness!  Ecclesiastes 5:10

Being a proud graduate of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, I selected today's passage because I have shared Dave’s advice on buying insurance with several friends and clients recently.    

There was a time, not too long ago, in our household, that we followed Dave Ramsey's recommended budget worksheets, paid for everything with cash, and paid off of our debt, including both car notes.  After our second son was born, we got lazy with our budget, and fell off the proverbial  "Financial Peace wagon."  

We realize that the pursuit of money and possessions is merely a facade in which people are deceived into thinking that if they only had more, they would be content.  We both know that true contentment comes from spiritual wealth and not material wealth.  We understand that we are stewards of God's money and that He will never fail to provide us with what we need. Knowing all of this, why do we struggle so much with the concept of money?  I can only imagine, but I don’t think that we are the only married couple that struggles with this.

I believe that our only hope is to keep an eternal perspective and realize that true happiness is found in our relationship with God.  God has never let us down before, so why would He start now?

Praise be to God from whom all blessings flow. 

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