Saturday, May 20, 2017


For I am the LORD your God, the one who takes hold of your right hand, who says to you, "Don't be afraid, I am helping you." Isaiah 41:13

Just last week, my co-worker and teammate, Amy, called from the tire shop as she had a flat tire on the way home from work the night before.  She was stranded on the highway until her husband could get to her and was worried that she was going to have to purchase a new set of tires unexpectedly that morning...when she called me back that afternoon, she said that they removed the object from her tire, plugged her tire and sent her on her way for only $18.   
While she was not pleased about the whole situation, she realized that it could have been much worse.  She also sounded pretty thankful about getting her tire repaired for a minimal fee as well. 

If you are like me then you also will go to great lengths to avoid problems in your daily life.  Unfortunately, it's simply unrealistic as Jesus assured us all in the Gospel of John that, "in this world you will have trouble."  Instead, we should face each day anticipating that we will face problems, seeing them as a challenge we can face with the help of our Lord and Savior. 

We must not forget that Jesus is on our side and while we are assured trouble in this world, we must also remember that He has overcome this world!  Thanks be to God!

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