Thursday, December 29, 2016

Salvation Is Here

The same Lord gives generously to all who call on him.  Romans 10:12

My family is just getting settled back into our normal routines after another whirlwind tour of visiting our out-of-town family for Christmas and I can’t help but think of how busy the retail stores have been since Friday with people returning gifts, making exchanges, and buying sale items.

Thankfully, God has given each of us the 'perfect gift,' his Son, Jesus Christ.  This gift never needs to be exchanged or returned and it is truly a 'one size fits all' kind of gift.  If God were not a passionate and generous God, He'd make us do something to work for our salvation, but He doesn't.

God loves us without ceasing and gives to us freely; despite the fact that none of us deserve it.  He offers the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ to everyone who comes to Him!

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