Monday, September 5, 2016


You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.  Psalm 139:13

A few summers ago, we had our patio converted into a screened-in porch.  While it was under construction, I couldn't help but notice the skill and precision that the contractor used as he built the add-on to our home.  After he measured all of the dimensions of our patio, he went with us to purchase all of the necessary materials and knew with certain wisdom and experience the proper tool to use to complete each step of the project.

Just like the contractor who knows what tool to use, God has a job for each one of us to do while we are here on this earth.  In fact, He had our plans worked out before we even drew our first breath when we were born.  He created each of us to serve as His ‘tool’ to get the job done.

If you think about it, it’s pretty amazing to know that God has prepared us, fashioned us, and equipped us to serve Him on this earth.

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