Saturday, November 21, 2015

Seven Nation Army

In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall.  2 Samuel 22:30

We have all found ourselves there before...the two-touchdown underdog, the not qualified enough, not good enough, etc...every day brings a new challenge. While we may not be leading a nation,  running a large corporation, or coaching a high profile sports team, we can still face difficult situations, difficult people, and temptations.

I have stated this before and I will say it again-I believe that challenges are good as they prevent us from becoming too comfortable in our faith.  In fact, I see challenges as opportunities to move into uncharted waters as we must learn to give up the control in our lives allow God to take the lead.

Without God's lead, challenges would be frightening, but with God challenges can become a great adventure.  No matter what difficulties you are facing, be sure to do it with God by your side!

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