Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Papa's Home

"God has moved into the neighborhood making His home with men and women.  They're His people, He's their God."  Revelation 21:3 (The Message)

I have been working a lot of late nights recently and missed our youngest son's soccer practice the other night.  In all honesty, I was probably more upset about missing him practice than he was, but when I eventually made it home that night, Elljah was full of excitement and couldn't wait to tell me about how it went.

There is nothing like the excitement of children greeting you after returning from a long day of work or an out-of-town business trip. So, it leaves me wondering just how will I react when I am finally see the face of my loving Father.

The day is coming when we will finally meet God, face-to-face.  Do you have hope knowing that one day He will 'Wipe the tears away from our eyes" with His hand?

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