Sunday, August 31, 2014

Nothing Else Matters

You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.  Psalm 16:11

Have you ever pondered the reason why you are here on this earth?  It’s easy to do especially if you are unhappy at home or work and feel despair because you believe that life is meaningless.  I have talked to several folks whom sadly feel this way.  Conversely, when you have a purpose, you are able to live life with joy and energy, despite trials and tribulations.

God’s Word reveals our deepest reasons for existence on this earth and the Bible is full of His promises.  There is no way we can possibly persevere and overcome our despair without knowing God’s love.  We are created to be in a relationship with our Father and He promises us that the adversities we face during our time on earth are only temporary.

Read your Bible if you are ever feeling like life has lost its meaning and take God at His word; His promises are eternal!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Enjoy The Silence

Rejoice in hope, endure in suffering, persist in prayer.  Romans 12: 12

Being a bit active and quite talkative, I always struggle when making a presentation for work and receive little or no interaction from my listening audience.  The same holds true in my prayer life, especially when I am praying with passion and feel that God is not answering me or seems to be a million miles away.   I don’t believe that I am alone in the way that I feel, as many other Christians probably lack some anticipation of having their prayers answered.

Our society doesn't help us with being patient in our prayer life as we wait for God to answer us in His perfect timing, either.  We live in a society that due to modern technology expects instant results. 

We are to remain vibrant and faithful in our prayer life.  It is too easy to become discouraged and feel as though God is not listening when all we perceive is silence.  I am thankful for many unanswered prayers that I have petitioned God with and it has certainly helped to mature my faith by leaps and bounds.  We must come to a place of understanding His presence is always with us if we are grow our relationship with Him; in doing so, we will have a deeper relationship with God, despite our prayers not being answered.

Continue to pray and be hopeful even if you are suffering; God is always with you!!

Friday, August 29, 2014

It's A Mistake

Letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death.  But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.  Romans 8:6

One of the greatest mistakes we can possibly make is allowing ourselves to place overemphasis on one area of our lives at the expense of others.  For instance, if I was to attend every after hours social event on the weekday evenings, I would probably meet more potential clients and customers, but I would be sacrificing the short window of time that I enjoy spending with my family every night.  Too many people fall into this trap pursuing a successful career and many achieve it, but wonder why things are so bad at home and how everything else go off of balance in the rest of their lives.

Balance means using your time, gifts, and resources to live a life that honors God.  God will never ask us to do something and then short-change us on the time needed to do everything He has called us to do.  When you try to accomplish everything you want to get done, you are often left tired, worn-out and generally unsatisfied.

When you turn control of your life(and your busy schedule) over to the Holy Spirit, He will restore balance again in your life and give you peace, contentment, and satisfaction that you so desperately desire.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Those who fear the Lord are secure; He will be a refuge for their children. Proverbs 14:26

Our youngest son, Elijah, had his wellness visit at the doctor's office recently.  He has actually been pretty healthy this year, but it was not too long ago that he was in and out of the daycare due to sickness which caused us to take time off many days from work in order to stay home with him.  Looking back, it was and still is pretty stressful for the both of us to miss work and balance time at home with sick children.  We are all promised difficulties during the course of our journey and the above passage from Proverbs is one to remember during those difficult times…

You see, when you strengthen your faith with the truths of God's Word every new morning, you build a solid foundation that will not easily crack under pressure.

When the troubles of life come your way, the attacks may come close to knocking you down, but a strong foundation will keep you on your feet because God's truths are eternal.

Stand firm and solid like a rock on a foundation that comes from trusting and fearing God!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for Him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.  Matthew 5:3

We all have basic needs that need to be met in order to survive: food, water, shelter, and love.  When our needs are met, you are content and satisfied, but when your wants are unmet, we are left discontent and wanting more.

Don't get me wrong, our wants are not always negative, but sometimes they can lead us astray from what God desires for our lives.  Wants can also lead us to ruin if we become obsessed with pursuing them.

Having our needs met by God shows us His almighty power and provision that teaches us that He is indeed good and trustworthy.  We must learn to trust God and not money and learn to distinguish between our needs and our wants.

Christian author, Max Lucado, said it best..."Those who trust money are foolish.  They are setting themselves up to be duped and dumped into a dystopia of unhappiness.  Have you ever noticed that the word miser is just one letter short of the word misery?"

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Don't Change

O Lord, you examine me and know.  You know when I sit down and when I get up; even from far away you understand my motives….Your knowledge is beyond my comprehension; it is so far beyond me, I am unable to fathom it. Psalm 139:1-2, 6

There is just nothing on television this time of the year and unfortunately, I have found myself watching a reality television show on Monday nights that I now consider my ‘guilty pleasure.’  On this show, the men and women are in extremely good shape and are competing to win love, I mean, a substantial amount of money and publicity.  After watching this week’s episode, I began to feel a little negative about my personal appearance, despite the substantial amount of exercise I engage in most every day of the week.

If I am feeling this way, I can only imagine how much of the viewing audience feels after watching a show like this.  It’s easy to compare ourselves to what society considers  ‘attractive’ and at the same time, it is also very unhealthy.  God made each one of us in His own image and we are all created uniquely.

We were all paid for by a high price, Christ’s death on the cross, all because of God’s love for each one of us.  We are all designed to be in a relationship with our Father and our whole being belongs to Him.

Any pursuit we follow to look, feel, or perform better will never give us the satisfaction we seek if we do not live in communion with God.  He loves us and created each one of us in His image, so don’t compare yourself to someone else; you will always be precious to Him!

Monday, August 25, 2014


Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it would move.  Nothing would be impossible.”  Matthew 17:20

The past three weeks have been very challenging as I have been struggling with some personal trials as of late.  I keep coming back to Jesus’ words in Matthew.  “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it would move.  Nothing would be impossible.”

The mustard seed is one of the smallest seeds, so it often used to refer to something small in size.  Our faith is not a matter of quantity, but more of quality.  What do we put our faith into?  Is it ourselves or others?  Or, is it in the One that can make a difference?

We do not have to have great faith in God before you can do what seems impossible; just faith in a great God!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Mysterious Ways

"My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My Ways..." Isaiah 55:8

Have you ever found yourself frustrated with God when you really depended on Him to provide a miracle or blessing and it didn't happen the way you wanted it to?  I would definitely have to answer "yes" to this question myself, but am also just now beginning to learn and understand God's ways are always much better than my own, and by no means are they our ways.  That, my friends, is a good thing!

Some people do not believe that God actually works miracles at all, while others are convinced that something is wrong with their faith if God is not performing miracles on a daily basis.

You see, God works in both ordinary and supernatural ways.  God used a pretty ordinary stream to provide the prophet, Elijah, water when he needed it the most.  When the brook ran dry, there was no miracle, it just signaled Elijah to move on to the next thing that God had planned for him.  Think about Jesus' first miracle; He transformed water to wine at a wedding celebration.  Jesus also raised a man from the dead and He Himself rose from the dead after three days.  I don't know about you, but I would label all three as miracles!

It's easy to look at God's bigger works, the miracles, to see His presence. We must also look for His works in the everyday, common events in our lives too.  For He is there and is always opening and closing doors, creating new opportunities, when we are not even aware that He is there!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Would I Lie To You?

Because of His glory and excellence, He has given us great and precious promises.  These are the promises that enable you to share His divine nature and escape the world's corruption caused by human desires.  In view of all of this, make every effort to respond to God's promises.  2 Peter 1:4-5

If I had to be perfectly honest about the season I am currently in, I would say that I am certainly one blessed man, but at the same time I am also in a new and uncharted territory that sometimes leaves me doubting myself and questioning God on some things.  

At home, I am blessed by all means, but managing our busy schedules and making time to spend with family and friends remains a never-ending challenge.  

At work, I am blessed with my career track and many new opportunities, but things are still difficult with the economy slowly starting to turn around and the uncertainty that many employers are facing as it pertains to health care reform. (Then again, most people do not understand health care reform, so I take solace in knowing I am not the only person who has more questions than answers.)

Doubt is okay, and it doesn't necessarily mean that we have less faith, it just means our faith is being challenged in new ways.  When we find ourselves in uncharted territory, we must allow our doubt to move us closer to God instead of further away from Him.

God gives us all many promises and the last time I checked, He has never broken a single one.  We must learn to trust Him instead of doubting Him.

When we trust, we fall deeper in love with Him and our faith grows even stronger.

Friday, August 22, 2014


So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen.  For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.  2 Corinthians 4:18

There are times that I have the tendency to come unraveled when faced with too much pressure and stress.  Earlier this week was one of those times, for sure.  Following a series of unforeseen events that transpired at work and at home, I pretty much felt defeated by the time the day ended on Monday.  As hard as it was, I really made an effort to keep my focus on Christ as best I could.

God promises us all that the troubles looming in our lives today will not last forever.  So, our goal should be on focusing our attention away from our hurt and pain and looking towards the things that will last forever-God's never-ending love, His gift of grace and mercy, and eternity in heaven with Him.

When you fix your eyes on Him, your present troubles will be seen as only temporary because you know that they won't last for long.

We can live our lives with confidence today because we have a greater hope in God's promises for our lives tomorrow.  

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Rock of Ages

Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is always the same, yesterday, today, yes and forever to the ages.  Hebrews 13:8

Think of how many friends and relationships you have had over the course of your lifetime.  Now, think about how much people (yourself included) have changed during the friendships/relationships.  It's human nature that we change; sometimes we change for the better sometimes it's for the worse.

Now, think of the reasons why you love Jesus.  The obvious answers are that He loves us, or He gave His life for us on the cross to save us from certain peril, or He rose again on the third day.  But what about your daily relationship with Him?  When you look at how constant Jesus is with us, one of the qualities you will appreciate the most is that He never changes.

The reason we can love and trust Him is that He is never changing.  Jesus said "This is the way I was, and this is the way I'm always going to be."

There are not many constant things or people that you can count on any more, but you can always count on Jesus.  He can change anything that needs to be changed in your life, but he will always stay the same!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Come and Get Your Love

God is my strength and power, and He makes my way perfect.  2 Samuel 22:33

It’s been over fourteen years since I invited Jesus Christ into my life as my personal Lord and Savior.  Through the years, God has given me total assurance that He loves me, first and foremost, and that He is much larger than any problem that I will ever face over the course my lifetime.  Knowing that He loves me and will never leave my side has provided me with a Supernatural strength of sorts that allows me to hold on to hope and retain joy, regardless of my circumstances.  After all, it's only been two weeks since my mother passed away, and while the pain is still raw, I have been able to keep moving forward.  

This same confidence can be yours if you are willing to accept that He has every available resource in the universe to draw upon to help us through any type of crisis, if we will only trust Him.

He delights in showing me daily that He is the ultimate source of my strength, my protection, provision, and success in life.  He is in control of my life and knows everything that is going to happen to me tomorrow, next week, next year, until my time on this earth is up.

Give up the control in your life and turn it over to the One who loves you and is larger than anything you will face in this life!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

End of the Innocence

For our knowledge is fragmentary (incomplete and imperfect), and our prophecy (our teaching) is fragmentary (incomplete and imperfect).  But when the complete and perfect (total) comes, the incomplete and imperfect will vanish away (become antiquated, void, and superseded).  1 Corinthians 13:9-10

Being 40 years old now and a little wiser, the more I realize I simply don’t have all of the answers to life.  This is a far cry from my attitude of being a childish and immature teenager, where I was convinced that I knew everything, much to my parents’ amusement.  

I can now see these same tendencies in our oldest son, who recently turned seven in June.  We have multiple disagreements about our favorite comic book characters and he doesn't realize that I just may know a little more than some of the boys in his circle of friends when it comes to the Marvel Universe.  (After all, I am still a comic book nerd and not ashamed to admit it!)

We must change our attitudes and thinking from believing that we know it all, to trusting God  and living with unanswered questions.

No matter where we are in our walk of faith, God will continue to lead us and in doing so, He requires us to fix our eyes on Him, and follow Him one step at a time.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Hold On To Hope

We have thought of Your steadfast love.  O God, in the midst of Your temple.  Psalm 48:9

There are times that I certainly feel overwhelmed with trying to balance my life-responsibilities at home and at work, obligations with family and friends, and often it’s easy to feel down.  I question if I am being the husband and father that my family needs me to be.  Am I a good son to my father? What about my sister? Am I the brother she needs me to be? Am I being a good neighbor?  How is my performance at work?  Am I going ‘above and beyond’ to serve as God would have me?  Before I get too far down, I have found that it always seems to help to recall all of the good things that God has done, is doing, and is going to do in my life.

When we ponder the doings of God and the works of His hands, it  is hard to stay down for long.  The enemy will always come against us to make us feel depressed or discouraged, but we must choose to remember the times where God has blessed us and delivered us in the past.

When we focus on His good works, hope will rise in our hearts and our troubles won’t seem too big!  Praise His holy name!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Waiting

Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.  Psalm 37:5

In the age of instant ‘everything,’ waiting can be very difficult for me just as I suspect it also is for many other people.  Modern technology is both a blessing and a curse.  Don’t get me wrong, anyone that knows me would attest that I would personally have a hard time not being able to view someone’s family photos on a whim or play Words With Friends (yes, I still play) on my spare time. 

I call it a curse, because people expect to always reach you on a wireless device, via email, by texting, at any given time, at any given point, on any given day.   We have grown so accustomed to having everything instantaneously, no wonder it is so hard for us to be patient when God requires a season of waiting in our lives!

It’s in those moments that we are waiting on God to bless us that we must rely on our trust in Him.  When we choose not to trust in God with our needs, we become fearful and anxious.  The Bible is filled with many examples of God’s people remaining faithfully patient and trusting in Him, and no story better illustrates this than the night the disciples encountered a storm on the Sea of Galilee.   Every disciple on that boat thought that they were surely going to die, that was, until they saw Jesus walking on the water towards them.  With a simple command, Jesus silenced the storms and waves to be still.

The disciples learned how to trust Jesus during the worst of times, so while we are patiently waiting on Him to answer our prayers, chances are He is wanting us to reach out to Him and wait for His outstretched arm.

Saturday, August 16, 2014


The Lord gives His people strength.  The Lord blesses them with peace. Psalm 29:11

You don’t have to search too hard to determine that we live in a broken world.  If you don’t agree, just watch the news or pick up a newspaper.  Staying busy over the summer by spending time with family is always good for the soul, and has kept me so occupied the past few months that I barely even had the time to watch the television at all.  It’s not that bad things quit happening around the world this past summer, it’s just that I am back into my routine now and more in tune with all of the crap going on in the world now.  Sometimes, it is overwhelming and hard to find peace. 

The above passage from Psalm 29 assures us that true peace can only come from God.  Furthermore, peace with God comes from living the way that God wants his people to live.  Once we are in a relationship with our loving Father, we must choose to live according to the standards he provides us in his Word.

When we follow God’s instructions on how to live, God strengthens us and blesses us with a peace that is only found in Him!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Keeping The Faith

He takes no pleasure in the strength of a horse or in human might.  No, the Lord’s delight is in those who fear Him, those who put their hope in His unfailing love.  Psalm 147:10-11

As the summer comes to an end, the early part of August always makes me think of two-a-day football practices in the blistering heat of East Alabama.  Most players start the preseason off competing for a spot as a starter on the team.  During practice, the players give their best effort on the field with hopes that the coaching staff will award them with a coveted position on the team.  As exciting and competitive as this entire process is, I am convinced that God is more impressed with our faith than our actual abilities.

If we want to accomplish great things in this life and delight God in the process, we must be willing to step out in faith and allow God to accomplish great things through us.  Our abilities give us the potential to do good while our faith gives us the power to do good.

Our potential and limited power is not sufficient; we must change our limitations to an unlimited faith in God!!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Right Now

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all of your might.  Ecclesiastes 9:10

I recently read an article written by a former insurance agent who was comparing an athlete to being in insurance sales.  The similarities in excellent performances between the two were astounding.  We all have potential, but like concrete needs something to be poured into before it takes shape, we must also have a prayerfully considered and well-thought plan for ourselves if we want to reach our full potential.

There are too many people I know that are basically unhappy because they aren't doing anything to develop their full potential.  The reason being is that many of them don’t do anything but complain that they aren't doing anything.

We can’t wait until everything is perfect before we reach our potential.  If you are waiting on the perfect house, or the perfect job, or perfect city, that day will never come.  We must do something now.  You must give your best effort at whatever it is you are doing now and realize that you have to start at the beginning before you cross the finish line…just like everyone else!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Again I Say Rejoice

More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him…that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.  Philippians 3:8-11

When I read the portions of the Bible that the apostle Paul wrote while imprisoned, it’s hard for me to comprehend.  Despite being locked up in a cell and in chains, Paul was able to “rejoice in the Lord always.”

When facing troubled times, it is not usually a natural instinct for us to focus on Christ.  If you are like me, you may focus on your problems and dwell on all that is going wrong in your life-even to the point of becoming anxious and overwhelmed with a sense of defeat in most circumstances. In lieu of my mother's passing, this has certainly been the case, but God has been with me and my family every step of the way and like Paul, I have been able to remain joyful despite my broken heart.  

The heart of a believer should not live in defeat as we must trust that God is in control and that He is good.  We must remain positive, knowing that He will provide for us and comfort us as He never breaks His promises.

Negative emotions are hard to deal with and can be consuming, but we must learn to seek comfort in the Lord so that we too can rejoice in the Lord always, no matter what hard times we are faced with!   

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Long Time Gone

God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.  So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.  Psalm 46:1-2 

I have stayed pretty busy this summer with trips back home to be with my parents and have not been able to watch too much television.  As difficult as things have been, it has been refreshing to take a break from the regularly scheduled ‘junk’ and also a nice change of pace not to hear the foolish bickering of politicians and reality celebrities reaffirm that we live in a broken world, which is most evident when turning the TV for any amount of time.

It is when we recognize that sin has corrupted this world that we are no longer surprised or overwhelmed by all of the troubles you see in the world.  You see, God is greater than any problem or threat that we can ever face in our lifetime.

We must constantly ask God to stay close to us at all times.  Jesus promises us that we will face certain troubles during our lifetime, but He also promises that to always comfort us and help us when we are afraid.

Monday, August 11, 2014


His compassions fail not.  They are new every morning.  Lamentations 3:22-23

I enjoy watching the sun rise in the mornings.  The sunrises are exceptionally beautiful here in East Tennessee.

With every sunrise that I witness, I am reminded that God is the One who meets our needs each and every day.  His supply is never-ending and He always gives us precisely what we need at precisely the time that we need it.  He never gives us stale leftovers; instead we are each given something that’s new and alive.

It’s hard to begin each day without being reminded of His mercy, forgiveness, compassion and love.  On any given morning, the dark night’s sky is pierced by the red and purple rays of the morning sun and the peaceful sounds of living creatures stirring to begin their day.

Regardless of what happened to us the day before, God greets us with open arms so that we can start fresh every morning.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Long Run

I am not seeking glory for myself; but there is one who seeks it, and He is the judge.  John 8:50

It was four years ago today that I successfully wrote and posted the first Daily DEVO on this “God’s Will; Fisher of men" Blog site. It has truly been a joy and labor of love, both personally and spiritually, and I would like to say a very grateful and humbled “THANK YOU” to all of the folks who read theDaily DEVO.

Some of the entries have been pretty good, and others, not so much so, but I hope that along the way, the DEVOtions have been what you needed to read, at a time that you needed to read them.  After all, I try to write about something that is relevant to people in their walks of faith; things that we struggle with, as spouses, as parents, as friends, as siblings, as neighbors, as co-workers, etc.

There are so many Blogs out there, each one different in many aspects and many are focused solely on the glorifying the individual.  I have prayerfully sought God’s will and have attempted to apply His word with my personal life experiences to ultimately glorify Him and not seek glory for myself.

I am convinced that God puts certain people in your life for a reason.  Just like each of His many provisions-He always gives us what we need, just when we need it.  The same holds true for His living and breathing Word; when we seek Him though scripture, He speaks to us and gives us His infinite and Holy wisdom.  When I had my ‘calling’ into the ministry, I would have never imagined in a million years that it would begin in the blogging world, by writing a daily devotional.

It’s inspiring to know that the Daily DEVO has been viewed almost 50,000 times over the past four years, and I hope that God will continue to use this Blog to reach more people in the days to come.

Again, I thank you for reading the Daily DEVO and hope you have a blessed day!!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Ant Music

But like a boxer I buffet my body (handle it roughly, discipline it by hardships) and subdue it, for fear that after proclaiming to others the Gospel and things pertaining to it, I myself should become unfit (not stand the test, be unapproved and rejected as a counterfeit.)  1 Corinthians 9:27

The above verse from Corinthians has always perplexed me, but Paul is referring to self-control, self-denial, controlling urges and subduing our sinful flesh lives.  Unfortunately, many people, myself included have the wrong idea about life-it’s not always supposed to be easy.

Proverbs 6:6-8 talks about the ant, “which having no chief, overseer, or ruler, provides her food in the summer and gathers her supplies in the harvest.”   We need to be more like the ant, who is self-motivated, self-disciplined and self-controlled.

We must do right because it is right, not because someone is always watching us or making us do it.  

Friday, August 8, 2014

What Are Words For?

Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature.  But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit.  Galatians 6:8

Just like a loaded gun, the hurtful words we say to another person can have a lasting effect on someone else's life.  Too often, the words come quickly before we have had a chance to think them through and once they have left our mouths, the damage has been done.  Similarly, the words we say to another person just may lead someone into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

In both cases, words have consequences.  Sin always leads to negative and deadly consequences, while faithfulness to God always leads to positive consequences and life.

We must focus on doing things that have positive consequences; starting with the words we choose. Let us build others up rather than tearing people down.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Celebration of My Mom's Life

Jesus answered: "Truly I tell you today you will be with me in paradise." Luke 23:43

We have come together today to celebrate the life of Anne Lamberson Fisher. Anne was wonderful and a beautiful soul; a loving and devoted wife of 42 years, a proud mother and an even more proud grandmother (Mimi), a loyal and dependable friend, a competitive spirit, a distinguished and classy lady, a woman of upmost character with a larger-than-life personality, a strong-willed woman with a sharp mind and great wit, a stock broker who excelled in her career, and last but certainly not least, one of the most humorous and funny people you will ever meet. And while she fit the bill on all of those superlatives and then some, she was the woman that carried me in her womb, helped me learn to walk and talk, applied my first Band-Aid, took me to school, taught me how to dance, dragged me to church, helped me with my homework, my best friend, my rock, the main woman and love of my life, or as I have always known her..."Mom"

And while the reality of why I am standing here today is still painful for us all-the passing of a sister in faith is not the end, it's only a temporary "goodbye." You see, where my mom is right now, there is no more pain or sorrow; no more trips to the doctor, no more surgeries or follow up visits. She's truly in paradise, enjoying her new Heavenly Body and resting in the arms of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. For that very reason, we can still be joyful despite our broken hearts. In fact, my mom wouldn't want any one of us to be sad right now and this is a celebration of her life, so to lift our spirits like she always seemed to do, I would like to share some glimpses into her life with some of the memories that I treasure...

My sister and I were blessed to grow up in such a loving home with two parents that were totally and completely devoted to one another. Mom loved dad more than anything in this world. And dad-your truly lived out your wedding vows, for better and for worse, until death do we part. My earliest memory of mom and dad is that the two of them loved to dance together or 'shag' as was popular during the sixties in the South.

In the 1980s, when we were still young enough to have a babysitter, Leslie and I would hear mom and dad come home from their evenings out and many of those nights we would hear the stereo. If a picture tells a story, I will always remember sneaking to the stairs to the edge of the bannister and watching mom and dad boogying down in our den to Chaka Kahn's "I Feel For You." Knowing that it was long past our bedtime and risking getting in trouble, Leslie and I eventually ended up on the dance floor as well, the shag green rug that covered the floor of our home in Greenville, SC, and our parents were thrilled to switch partners- Leslie and dad, me and mom.

We listened to quite a bit of Gospel music in our home through the years. From the Reverend Al Green to the Honorable Otis Redding, The Tams and The Tymes, The Drifters and The Spinners, The Commodores and The Temptations, The Queen of Soul, The Godfather of Funk, Billy Stewart and The Chi-Lites, Sly and the Family Stone, Michael Jackson and Wilson Pickett, Jackie Wilson, Hall & Oates, and last but certainly not least, Marvin Gaye-this great music was what my mom enjoyed so passionately and it not only provided the most beautiful soundtrack to our lives, but also built the foundation for all of the music that I still enjoy today.

Many people don't realize it but it was my mom that planted the seeds that would eventually sprout into my passion and obsession for music. In the seventies, long before iPods and iPads and sound machines and FM radio being a standard, my mom was the one who placed a black and white GE clock radio beside my crib to help soothe me. The smooth sounds of the 70s AM Gold allowed me to cope and calm me and it grabbed a hold of me and has never let go.As a young child, I couldn't have been maybe five or six, mom first taught me to dance one of our many family beach trips off of the coast of South Carolina. I was too short to even be a suitable dance partner, so I distinctly remember standing on the tops of mom's feet while Billy Stewart's "Sitting In The Park" played from the deck in the setting summer sun.

Many years later, it was mom who encouraged me to find a new interest was because she was concerned about me. I was in the 7th grade in 1987 and was not showing much interest in sports and girls and some of the things that some of the 'normal' guys were into. One day mom said to me "Will, you need to find something else to collect other than those little action figures and 'robot thingies.' How about collecting something else like music?" One afternoon, mom took me to the Record Bar on Laurens Road in Greenville, SC and bought me my very first U2 and Cure albums. My life was forever changed. "The rest is history" as they say and a few years later, I DJ'd my very first high school dance which eventually lead me to being hired as an on-air disc jockey for an FM radio station during my senior year at Springwood School. Mom's influence over my life simply cannot be overstated.
Mom was always upbeat. She never knew a stranger and, man, she could always make you smile with her witty sayings and incredible sense of humor. She was the life of a party, better yet, she was the party, no matter who was there or how many people were around. Mom was often doing or saying something funny and everyone, myself included, would gravitate to her just to hear what she was going to say next. One Spring, close to Easter, I recall asking mom what she had given up for Lent. Always quick with a witty response, she said "John Tesh and cabbage." I replied, "mom, you don't like either one of those." She looked at me with that infectious smile of hers and said "Exactly!"
Mom was never into all the country kitchen stuff and was convinced that if hell had a restaurant on earth, it was the Cracker Barrel. We would often joke that we were going there for a meal almost anytime she got into a moving vehicle.

She always had nicknames for her family and friends; sometimes for people she barely even knew. As a young child, mom used to joke that I barely ate enough food to sustain life, so she anointed me "The Bangladesh Child." While I cannot say in church what she used to lovingly refer to me from during the years1984-1993 (here's a hint- it sounds like "little hit" with an 's' before the hit.), my all-time favorite nickname was the one she reserved for dad..."The Ayatollah."

When one of her nearest and dearest friends, Nannie Ferguson came to work with mom as a stockbroker, she quickly dubbed their partnership "Two Old Bags."

Her ability to conjure laughter despite the situation also shaped me and my sister's personalities tremendously and mom's sense of humor has been passed on to both of her grandsons as well.
My mom was the most competitive person I have ever known. If she was playing a sport like tennis or golf, she was out for blood and wanted to win. Heck, even playing board games as a family was quite the event. She could make a game as simple as Jenga as important as The Super Bowl. She never did anything halfway-it was all or nothing with mom. She was a phenomenal athlete and passed down every bit of her natural talents onto my sister, Leslie. I definitely have mom's drive, strong will, and competitiveness, but let's face it, winning awards for artwork isn't nearly as spectacular as Leslie winning the MVP Award and state championship and being the all-time high scorer for the Lady Wildcats!
Behind mom's larger-than-life persona was a very affectionate, nurturing, and loving woman. For me, it was often times after everyone was asleep, mom and I would still be going strong and there were countless nights, just me and her sitting outside by the pool or watching tv and she would run her hands through my hair and tell me that she loved me. One thing I can say is that I never questioned how she felt about me one single time over the past forty years and I know my sister shares the same sentiments.
Mom is alive and well and all of these characteristics that made her the extraordinary woman that we all love and miss have been passed down to both me and Leslie as well as both of her grandchildren, Elliott and Elijah. Her influence will be carried on by my father and every one of her friends as you simply cannot deny that the world was a better place because she was in it.
I close with a verse of scripture that seems befitting for today. Luke 23:43. One of Jesus's final moments as He hung on he cross in Galilee along side two criminals. One of the criminals mocked Him, but the other knew who He was and believed in his Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you today you will be with me in paradise."
Mom is in heaven now, where she will spend the rest of eternity. Her paradise is most definitely on a relaxing sandy beach somewhere out there, where the party is hopping, the cabbage is scarce and John Tesh ain't hanging around. The only music that can be found there is R&B/Soul and the official dance of the land is the 'shag.' The stock market is always bullish and Cracker Barrels do not litter every exit along the highways. She can always find a tee time, all of her sisterhood is nearby and she wins every game of bridge that she plays, along with every tennis match and by now, mom has even mastered the art and skill of Jenga. She is surrounded in love, by her Heavenly Father and I cannot wait to be reunited with her there. So, until we meet again... I THANK YOU. I am so grateful for the past 40 years that you were my best friend, my rock, my guiding light, my greatest influence and the love of my life. You have touched the hearts of everyone who has ever known you, but I can say without hesitation that I am truly the most blessed to be your son. I know you'll be sitting in the park waiting for me...

Forever yours, Your Bangladesh Child and "Little Hit with an 's'"

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


The joy of the Lord is your strength!  Nehemiah 8:10
Four years ago today, Alicia and I welcomed our second son, Elijah Foy Fisher, into this world.  He was born without any complications and seemed to be doing just fine.  Of course, he arrived in the middle of the night and after all was said and done, Alicia and I were simply too exhausted to notice anything out of the ordinary.  48 hours later, we found ourselves in the NICU at Children’s Hospital as Elijah was having small contractions that the doctors eventually diagnosed as seizures.  After multiple tests, exams, prayers, and tears, Elijah was discharged from Children’s Hospital three days later and we were never more happy to be in the confines of our own home.

During those days of uncertainty and fear, I was overwhelmed with a sense of peace and joy that couldn't have come from anywhere or anyone else but our loving Father.  You see, joy springs from God’s love, which is not dependent on our circumstances or our performance.

The more we seek Him, the more we find Him.  The more we find Him, the more we know and love Him, and the greater our joy will  be.

We will only find perfect peace and everlasting joy in heaven, but we can experience joy now by walking with God.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What Are Words For?

Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature.  But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit.  Galatians 6:8

Just like a loaded gun, the hurtful words we say to another person can have a lasting effect on someone else's life.  Too often, the words come quickly before we have had a chance to think them through and once they have left our mouths, the damage has been done.  Similarly, the words we say to another person just may lead someone into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

In both cases, words have consequences.  Sin always leads to negative and deadly consequences, while faithfulness to God always leads to positive consequences and life.

We must focus on doing things that have positive consequences; starting with the words we choose. Let us build others up rather than tearing people down.