When Christ, who is
your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all His glory. Colossians 3:4
Well, our annual Life Group ‘White Elephant Gift Exchange’
was another success despite leading to another dispute between our two boys about whose
gift belongs to who… Elijah, our three year old, opened the last gift of the
night and stuck gold when he selected the gift bag containing an iPod
Shuffle. Yes, an iPod shuffle. For those of you who may not know, I am an
Apple junkie. We own at least seven iPods at
the current moment, which is almost enough for each member of our family to own two devices. The entire drive back from our Life Group party, the boys bickered and plead
their case as to who owns which iPod….I tried to explain that nobody owns anything, that all of the electronic
devices in our home are to be shared among the family.
For most of us as grown adults, sharing is still a hard
concept to grasp. I believe it is due to our fallen and sinful nature to get
rather than give and our thirst to accumulate rather than relinquish. As
followers of Christ, we are called to share our love, time, faith, resources,
talents, and money with others. People who do share and give are promised the
benefits of being generous, which are far greater than the fleeting moments of
When you realize how much God has shared and given to you,
it's hard not to want to go and give and share with others in return.
This Christmas season, think of what you have that you can
generously share or give to others...
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