Monday, September 23, 2013


Teach what is fitting and becoming to sound (wholesome) doctrine, the character and right living that identify true Christians.  Titus 2:1

For quite some time, I had it all wrong about what being a Christian is all about.  Early on in my walk of faith, I thought it was more about 'doing' than 'being.'

If you read your Bible, the people God anoints are normal, everyday people, just like you and me, to live supernaturally in this fallen world.  He don't just want us to hear His Word, but He wants us to be doers of the Word.

Collectively as the body of Believers, we need to stop just telling people that Jesus loves them and instead love people into a relationship with Christ.  The best way to show people the love of Christ is by the example we live our lives by; we need to get out there in this dark world and shine brightly.

We can all be a shining example of Christ and I am convinced that people want to see Christians living out what they preach and teach.

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