Friday, August 30, 2013

It's A Mistake

Letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death.  But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.  Romans 8:6

One of the greatest mistakes we can possibly make is allowing ourselves to place overemphasis on one area of our lives at the expense of others.  For instance, if I was to attend every after hours social event on the weekday evenings, I would probably meet more potential clients and customers, but I would be sacrificing the short window of time that I enjoy spending with my family every night.  Too many people fall into this trap pursuing a successful career and many achieve it, but wonder why things are so bad at home and how everything else go off of balance in the rest of their lives.

Balance means using your time, gifts, and resources to live a life that honors God.  God will never ask us to do something and then short-change us on the time needed to do everything He has called us to do.  When you try to accomplish everything you want to get done, you are often left tired, worn-out and generally unsatisfied.

When you turn control of your life(and your busy schedule) over to the Holy Spirit, He will restore balance again in your life and give you peace, contentment, and satisfaction that you so desperately desire.

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