Monday, September 30, 2024



No unbelief or distrust made him(Abraham) waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God.  Romans 4:20

God promised Abraham a child that was to be an heir from his own body.  Of course, Abraham was an elderly man before he saw God’s promises finally come to pass.  All the while, Abraham continued to stand firm in his faith and believed God’s promises, giving Him all of his praises and glory along the way.

God would never expect us to do something without giving us the ability to do it.  Satan knows this all too well and this is the reason he attacks us, so that we feel doubt and unbelief.

Keep pressing on, no matter where you are on your journey and be sure keep on praising God and give Him glory.  God will never leave His promises unfulfilled and your faith will grow along the way, making you stronger so that can overcome.

Sunday, September 29, 2024




For godly grief and the pain God is permitted to direct, produce a repentance that leads and contributes to salvation and deliverance from evil, and it never brings regret; but worldly grief is deadly.  2 Corinthians 7:10

Can you recall something hurtful that you have said to someone else that you wish you could take back?  Sure, we all do, but some of us continue to let regret rob us of all of our joy.

There are certainly some things I wish that I could have said or done differently. But there is no sense in becoming burdened with regret over something I have absolutely no power to change.

God will always warn us prior to making a mistake or saying something hurtful so that we can change our mind before we actually make the mistake.  The enemy waits until after we have already made the mistake, long after it's too late, to heap condemnation and regret on us after there is nothing we can do about it any longer.

We must not let the enemy steal our joy any longer.  We must ask God for forgiveness and then leave our regrets in the past.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Cry For Help


Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you.  He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.  Psalm 55:22

The deeper my relationship grows with the Lord, the more I realize that He simply wants to care for me and help me whenever I ask.  Knowing this, why is it difficult to ask God for help sometimes?

You see, when we bring our burdens to God through prayer, we experience freedom from worry and anxiousness because we know that He is listening and He cares-regardless of how little or large our burdens may be.

We can receive the assurance of God’s love and concern through the promises of His Word and on our knees in prayer.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Love Is The Answer


Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways.  Psalm 128:1

The more I age, the more I realize that there is not one person on this earth that could possibly meet all of my needs in life.  Alicia and I will celebrate our 19th anniversary this December, and while we are partners for life, soulmates, and still very much in love, we both understand that only Jesus can fill the void deep within our souls.

This thinking has certainly changed for me as I have matured in my walk of faith.  Our spouses, children, family, and friends simply cannot take God’s place in meeting our needs; regardless of how wonderful they are.  

If you are looking to other people to meet all of your needs or trying to meet someone else’s needs, you will be sorely disappointed by looking to anyone other than God.  God is love, and only He can truly meet our every need!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Knock Me Down


Humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time, He will lift you up in honor. 1 Peter 5:6

It was not too terribly long ago that I was extremely overweight and burned out from years of substance abuse.  I was lonely, on the verge of depression; my life was wrecked.  It was also not until I finally accepted the fact that I had some problems before I humbled myself and eventually asked for some help. 

Pride can prevent you from asking for the help that you need.  Humility gives you the wisdom and courage to admit your needs in any situation.  You simply won't get help-from God or from any other family member or friend-if you cannot admit you have a problem. 

When you are humble, God's power is at your disposal, and He promises to help you, regardless of any situation.  Don't let our pride stop you from getting the help you need.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Man In The Mirror


Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else. Galatians 6:4

I was listening to a popular college football talk show on my way home from work yesterday and heard a coach describe how he instills values in his players.  To paraphrase, the coach something to the effect of, "if each member of this team is committed to being their best and committed to this team being the best, it doesn't matter who or what team we are playing."  What great and practical advice that can be applied in our everyday lives, hence the reason college football must surely be 'God's sport!'

Seriously, people often get stressed out when they take on activities and responsibilities for the wrong reasons.  Trust me, I have been there and it's taken me most of my adult life to be able to say "No," when I feel I am over-committing myself.

When we are considering upcoming involvements, be sure to seek God and ask Him to help you do things with the right motives.  God will help you make wiser decisions as to which activities you should commit to and the ones you should say no to.

It's only when we do things with the right motives that we will be able to work with passion and purpose and find satisfaction in a job well done!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Power of Equality


We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ.  And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.  Romans 3:22

There are few things in life other than, say, oxygen, that are available to all people. The great thing about God is that salvation is available to all people.

It makes no difference to God what sins you have committed.  It does not matter who you are.  God loves all people equally and wants each one of us to be saved and live with him eternally in heaven.

When we decide that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and we ask for forgiveness of our sins, we are transformed into a new creation.  In God's eyes we become clean and pure again, just like everyone who believes.

We must share this with all people and love them into a relationship with Christ, to expand God's kingdom on this earth.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Even in the Quietest Moments


When you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private.  Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.  Matthew 6:6

I sometimes have a hard time finding quiet moments to spend alone with God.  It’s hard with two young men (ages 17 and 14) around and especially during the hustle and bustle of each work day.  To make matters worse, I really dig music and very rarely have the discipline enough to turn the stereo off when I am driving in the car, so I always feel somewhat distracted. 

One of the characteristics of Jesus is that He would often go off to be alone to pray, especially after performing miracles or teaching a group of disciples.  He was onto something and we all should make the time to spend quiet moments alone with God.

God's voice is often hard to hear and discern through all of the noise and distractions of this world.  We must give Him our time, focus, and undivided attention, just as Jesus did.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Rising


Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”  No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 8:35-39

Today marks the anniversary of the tragic events that took place on September 11, 2001, and life as we knew it here in the United States was forever changed.  It’s hard for me to fathom what the grieving families and friends of the victims of the terrorist attacks are still feeling on this sad anniversary.  Their day probably began like any other, but unfolded into a nightmare by mid-morning.  By the time news of the first plane crashing into the World Trade Center had gained national media attention, a second plane crashed into the second tower and frightening reality that our nation was under attack began to sink in.

I was in New York City for a concert two weeks prior to September 11th.  The highlight of my trip was taking a tour to the top of the World Trade Center and the seeing the utterly amazing view of the city.  Less than a week later, I watched the horrific events of that day unfolding and people jumping to their death, I felt broken, helpless, shaken, and scared; were the people I saw when I was in the World Trade Center still in the building when the planes crashed?  For weeks, I mourned the loss of innocent lives and remained glued to the television every night as the rescue efforts continued.  I was depressed, angry, and confused during those dark and dreaded days.  The only bit of hope and security that I had at that time, was in reading my Bible, specifically the above passage from Romans.

Our world is an uncertain and always changing place.  Many people seek security in material possessions, wealth, affluence, relationships, and power.  Regardless, none of these things are guaranteed from one day to the next.  The events that took place on September 11, 2001 provide proof that any of those things can be taken from us in a matter of seconds.

For believers, even during chaotic times, we can rest assured that nothing can tear us away from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Today, as we remember the brave men and women who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks on the United States, let us also remember where we can find true security.  Place your hope and confidence in the solid rock of Jesus.