Sunday, August 18, 2024

Twenty Years Later


God is my strength and power, and He makes my way perfect.  2 Samuel 22:33

It’s been more than two decades since I invited Jesus Christ into my life as my personal Lord and Savior.  Through the years, God has given me total assurance that He loves me, first and foremost, and that He is much larger than any problem that I will ever face over the course my lifetime.  Knowing that He loves me and will never leave my side has provided me with a Supernatural strength of sorts that allows me to hold on to hope and retain joy, regardless of my circumstances.  After all, it's been a little more than a five years since my mother passed away, and while the pain is still raw, I have been able to keep moving forward...  

This same confidence can be yours if you are willing to accept that He has every available resource in the universe to draw upon to help us through any type of crisis, if we will only trust Him.

He delights in showing me daily that He is the ultimate source of my strength, my protection, provision, and success in life.  He is in control of my life and knows everything that is going to happen to me tomorrow, next week, next year, until my time on this earth is up.

Give up the control in your life and turn it over to the One who loves you and is larger than anything you will face in this life!!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

The End Of The Innocence


For our knowledge is fragmentary (incomplete and imperfect), and our prophecy (our teaching) is fragmentary (incomplete and imperfect).  But when the complete and perfect (total) comes, the incomplete and imperfect will vanish away (become antiquated, void, and superseded).  

1 Corinthians 13:9-10

Being 50 years old now, an AARP member and a little wiser (not really), the more I realize that I simply do not have all of the answers to life.  Not even close.  This is a far cry from my attitude of being younger where I was convinced that I knew everything, much to my parents’ amusement.  

I can now see these same tendencies both of our boys, Elliott who is 16 and now a freshman in high school, and Elijah who recently celebrated his 13th birthday earlier this month.  We have multiple disagreements about who is the GOAT; Michael Jordan or LeBron James and heated debates over our favorite comic book characters and neither realize that I just may know a little more than some of the boys in his circle of friends, especially when it comes to the Marvel and DC Universe.  (After all, I am still a comic book nerd and not ashamed to admit it)!

We must change our attitudes and thinking from believing that we know it all, to trusting God  and living with unanswered questions.

No matter where we are in our walk of faith, God will continue to lead us and in doing so, He requires us to fix our eyes on Him, and follow Him one step at a time.

Friday, August 16, 2024


The Lord gives His people strength.  The Lord blesses them with peace. Psalm 29:11

You don’t have to search too hard to determine that we live in a broken world these days.  If you don’t agree, just watch the news or read a newspaper.  Staying busy over the past several months by spending time with family is always good for the soul, and adjusting to our new normal as taken some time to get used to, so I barely have had the time to watch the television at all.  Now that I am back into more of a regular routine now and more in tune with the world, I am simply heartbroken and devastated with so much that is happening in the world now.  Sometimes, it is overwhelming and hard to find peace. 

The above passage from Psalm 29 assures us that true peace can only come from God.  Furthermore, peace with God comes from living the way that God wants his people to live.  Once we are in a relationship with our loving Father, we must choose to live according to the standards he provides us in his Word.

When we follow God’s instructions on how to live, God strengthens us and blesses us with a peace that is only found in Him!

Thursday, August 15, 2024



God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for Him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.  Matthew 5:3

We all have basic needs that need to be met in order to survive: food, water, shelter, and love.  When our needs are met, you are content and satisfied, but when your wants are unmet, we are left discontent and wanting more.

Don't get me wrong, our wants are not always negative, but sometimes they can lead us astray from what God desires for our lives.  Wants can also lead us to ruin if we become obsessed with pursuing them.

Having our needs met by God shows us His almighty power and provision that teaches us that He is indeed good and trustworthy.  We must learn to trust God and not money and learn to distinguish between our needs and our wants.

Christian author, Max Lucado, said it best: 

"Those who trust money are foolish.  They are setting themselves up to be duped and dumped into a dystopia of unhappiness.  Have you ever noticed that the word miser is just one letter short of the word misery?"