Sunday, March 31, 2024

Can't No Grave Hold My Body Down


"Why do you look for the living among the dead?  He is not here: He has risen!  Remember how He told you, while He was still with you in Galilee: The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again."  Luke 24:5-8

Jesus repeatedly revealed His fate, God's master plan to the disciples, but during all of the chaos that surrounded His crucifixion, many of the followers were left doubting if He really was the Messiah.  Imagine the sheer joy and excitement that they must have felt when they rolled away the stone from the tomb and His body was not there.  All they found were burial linens and an empty grave!

Jesus appeared to two believers traveling and still downcast and not grasping that their Savior was in there presence, Jesus subtly reminded them of all of the Messianic prophesies and then disappeared.

Is Jesus who He said He was?  Do you believe that He conquered the grave? Where does He fit into your life?   If you have opened your heart to receive His love sacrifice and have accepted Him as your Lord over your life, there is no greater day than Easter...the day that our Savior conquered death and defeated the grave.

We may not feel like it every day, but we know with Christ in our lives how our story will end, we will be victorious!!  Rejoice, and praise His holy name!!!!

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Hope Falls Down


"Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!" And after He said this He breathed His last.  Luke 23: 46

Can you recall a time where you were disappointed and felt let down?  You could probably name a few times over the past week or possibly even today.  Put yourselves into the shoes of the disciples and followers that witnessed Jesus' death first hand.  This group had given up everything to follow Christ and now He was dead?  All of the miracles they witnessed, the lives that had been changed; this was how it all ended?

If He really was the Christ, why didn't He send an army of angels to rescue Him from such a cruel and gruesome death?  How did His mother Mary feel? The baby she had loved and raised was now dead and hanging from a cross? Talk about disappointment....

I am certain in the days between Jesus' crucifixion and His resurrection, the confusion, the hurt, the doubt, and disappointment must have been overwhelming for Jesus' followers.  They must have felt like they had bet the farm and lost it all.  When Jesus took His last breath, His followers must have lost the hope they once had, despite Jesus telling them over and over again that He was 'going away to prepare a place for them'. (John 14:2)

We sometimes overlook the fact that Jesus is always with us when we face disappointment or struggles of our own.  Don't ever let your hope in Him fade away, no matter what it is you are facing.  God will never let you down and He always makes good on His promises.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Good Friday


One of the criminals who was hanging there railed at Him saying, "Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself and us!"  But the other rebuked him, saying, "Don't you fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation?  And we rightly so, for we are getting what we deserve for what we did, but this man has done nothing wrong." Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come in your kingdom." And Jesus said to him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."  Luke 23:39-43

On Good Friday, we reflect on and ponder Jesus' death on the cross that served as the ultimate sacrifice to bring salvation.  There is nothing more important, no act of love, service, or anything else that even comes close to comparing to what our perfect Savior endured for us in His final hours and His death that freed us from our bondage to sin.

The above passage of Scripture from the gospel of Luke moves my soul as it reveals the saving power and loving forgiveness of our Savior.  The criminals that were also being crucified at the same time as Jesus had been issued a death sentence for their wrong doings.  Jesus was tried and crucified despite being perfect and innocent.  One of the criminals realized that it was indeed the Messiah, hanging on the cross beside him, and right at the moment of his acceptance, Jesus forgave him and assured him of his eternal destination.

It's hard to understand God's grace sometimes.  Why do bad things happen to good people?  Why do good things happen to bad people?  I don't know, but God loves His creation and that includes every human being on this planet.  He doesn't want only a select few, He wants all of us to join Him in 'paradise' when we leave this earth.  He sent His son to live a blameless and perfect life on this earth and then offered Him as a love sacrifice, a Lamb of God, to take our place and die for our sins. He took our place on the cross, and only wants us to give Jesus first place in our lives.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Lunge Forward


…fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  Hebrews 12:2

Today’s Daily DEVO has been several weeks in the making.  I have noticed that when God wants to make a point with me, He repeats Himself quite a bit, just like I sometimes do with parenting my own children. (I guess Fishers are stubborn people?) 

The past few weeks have been crazy busy between travel with work and I feel that I have lost my focus on Jesus in some ways and have finally answered His calling on my life...

Yesterday’s devotional from the exceptional Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, used the analogy of a spinning ballerina keeping her eyes focused on a fixed point to maintain her balance.  We too, must do the same.

Despite our circumstances or hectic schedules, through struggles and sickness, we must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ.  If we focus our gaze on our circumstances for too long, we will become confused and dizzy.

Focus on Jesus and maintain your footing, steady and sure!

Wednesday, March 27, 2024



Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.  Matthew 5:16

Can you name someone you know-a family member, friend, neighbor, or co-worker, that just lights up a room with their presence?  That person should actually be you or me.  Let me explain....the life characterized by the fruits of the Spirit cannot help but be noticed.  When we have the Spirit dwelling within our souls, it should shine brightly for all to see.

We live in some dark times and what this world needs desperately is to see men and women living their lives as an example to others, breaking the "norm."

How different a place this world would be if people saw more parents who were lovingly involved with their children, and businessmen and women who valued integrity over self-interests and money?

Let your soul shine!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Could You Be Loved?


That the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.  John 17:23

I had a meeting with a potential client a few months ago and felt that I showed poorly.  It was a difficult task, as I went into the meeting with only a small amount of information and still had many more questions that I needed to answer before I could possibly provide firm insurance rates for this organization's group benefit program.  Leaving the meeting I felt like a failure, despite my managing director telling me that I did an outstanding job.  Have you ever felt that way?  How do we know we are valuable?

The answer is found at the cross.  My youngest son, Elijah, was playing with the cross that I wear on my neck and it got me thinking about the reality of what Jesus' death by crucifixion really means.  If we weren't valuable to God, He wouldn't have sent His beloved Son to die on the cross to save us from certain death...

If you are ever feeling down or unloved or that you are not valuable, look no further than the cross and understand that you are worthy and loved!

Monday, March 25, 2024

I Started Something I Couldn't Finish


Since Christ suffered physical pain, you must arm yourselves with the same attitude He had, and be ready to suffer, too.  For if you have suffered physically for Christ, you have finished with sin.  1 Peter 4:1

Have you ever been asked to do something or set out to achieve something but felt like giving up?  I know that I certainly have felt this way on many occasions and there are still things that I regret that were never completed. 

When God calls us to a task, we should never give up.  Not only would you miss the blessing of finishing and reaching your goal, but not trusting God's promise may result in some sort of loving discipline from Him as well.

Just because God wants or asks you to do something does not mean that it will be easy.  The more important the task, the higher degree of difficulty it will often become.  Don't give up when the going gets tough.  Keep moving forward in faith; God is good to His people and will always answer the call to help!

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own


I look up toward the hills.  From where does my help come?  My help comes from the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth!  The Lord is your protector; the Lord is the shade at your right hand.  The sun will not harm you by day, or the moon by night.  Psalm 121:1-2, 5-6

Have you ever wondered why we sometimes experience unrest when we are alone?  Some people, out of desperation, move in and out of relationships to fill the void of emptiness.  Others fill the void with substances like drugs and alcohol.  In my journey, I have been guilty of both until I began to realize that I was created to be in fellowship with God.  In fact, all of us are created to be in fellowship with our loving Father.

Simply put, God did not create us to go through this life on our own; He wants us to have relationships with other people, but the number one relationship He wants us to enjoy is one with Him.  

When we attempt to have our needs met apart from God, our efforts are futile and lead only to major disappointment and despair.  God is the only One who is capable of filling the emptiness of the human heart.

Only God can meet our deepest longings and needs for the love that we all need.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Too Much Time On My Hands


You were wearied with the length of your way in trying to find rest and satisfaction in alliance apart from the true God, yet you did not say, there is no result or profit.  Isaiah 57:10

We have a close friend who always seems to complain about not having enough time to do all that they want to do.  I am occasionally guilty of feeling that way too, especially when there are deadlines to meet and what often feels like there are not enough hours in a given day.  

It's not that we don't have enough time, it's just that our simple lives have become too complex in doing trivial things that eat away at our schedules.  How or when does life move away from being simple to something so complex?  I believe that it is relative to where we are in our journey....

I remember thinking how stressful my life was during college; having to make an appearance in class in between Widespread Panic and Phish shows, going out four and five nights a week, waiting tables, and working as a disc jockey on a local FM radio station.  (Looking back, I really had it made!)  I didn't have the pressures of performing at work like I do now and I certainly did not have a family to support.  Then again, I wasn't exactly walking the straight and narrow path either, but that's another story for another day.

The above verse from Isaiah states "You are wearied out through the multiplicity of your ways."   It is widely accepted in today's society that more is always better, but at what cost?  Are we truly following God's will for our lives when we are so busy filling our days with our self-centered agendas and schedules?  I believe the answer is a resounding "NO."

Instead of making everything difficult and centered around ourselves, we should simplify and enjoy the peace and satisfaction that comes from following God's plan for our lives.  During this time of social distancing, let us use this time wisely and simplify our complex lives...

"Fear, mismanaged, leads to sin. Sin leads to hiding. Since we've all sinned, we all hide, not in bushes, but in eighty-hour workweeks, temper tantrums, and religious busyness.  We avoid contact with God." -Max Lucado

Friday, March 22, 2024

C'est La Vie


“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace.  In the world you have trouble and suffering, but take courage-I have conquered the world.”  -Jesus Christ (John 16:33)

If you are at all like me, then you like to work things out before their respective times have come.  It’s human nature to think ahead and plan for such; it’s ingrained in much of our thinking as we are all taught this by the world. However, we must learn to live in the present day, as difficult as it is, and learn to accept the limitations of each day.  These past few days have been challenging, difficult, and scary, no doubt about it.  If I have learned anything in self-reflection during this time of quarantine and social distancing, it is that God is still good and He's still in control of this world, despite this terrible pandemic that we are all dealing with.  

We must focus on the agenda for each day, taking one day at a time, and this requires us seeking our loving Father to know what is part of His plan for us-remembering that there is a time for everything.   

A life focused on God’s Presence is not complicated; it’s one that is full of peace knowing that Jesus has overcome and conquered this messy world that we live in.  Thanks be to God!

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Your Time Is Gonna Come


Dear friends, never take revenge.  Leave that to the righteous anger of God.  For the Scriptures say, “I will take revenge; I will pay them back,” says the Lord.  Romans 12:19

We are big fans of the Netflix Series “Ozark.”  Now that the series has been completed for a for years, and still without any spoilers for those that have yet to watch it, it got me thinking a lot about one of the reoccurring themes on the series, revenge...

Seeking revenge is a basic instinct of our sinful nature.  Whether we are cut off by someone in traffic or treated unfairly by a coworker or neighbor, our gut response is seek revenge.  God makes it clear that vengeance should be left to him alone.

He promises to make all wrongs right and to rid this world of evil on Judgment Day.  For a moment, think about Jesus as He hung from the cross, dying an excruciating and brutal death.  Imagine how the disciples that witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion first hand must have wanted to seek revenge.

Jesus gives us all the best example of responding to injustice by responding with patience and kindness and leaving the punishment and judgment to His Father.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Solitude Is Bliss


Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow within him.  John 7:38

Time is such a precious commodity and one that we simply do not have enough of. Our weekends are normally filled with multiple items: sports (basketball, flag football, lacrosse)  birthday parties, live music, visiting with friends and family, church, and multiple trips to either the grocery store or a restaurant or both. With such an action packed schedule, it can sometimes be hard to find some down time, let alone, quiet time spent with our loving Father.

As weird as it may sound, some of the only waking moments I have to myself are either spent jogging or working out in the early mornings, and it is during those times that I often talk to God.

The truth is that those few moments I spend in conversation with God are the most important of every day. When we spend time with God, His blessings flow into our lives like the streams of living water mentioned in today's passage.

By making time every day to spend with God, we glorify Him by delighting in His presence. We must learn to enjoy Him now and forever!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Anything Is Possible


With God's help we will do mighty things.  Psalm 60:12

When I look back on problems that I have faced or trials that were extremely difficult, I have never felt like there was a single moment that God was not with me every step of the way.  To be brutally honest, losing my mother has been the most difficult and heart-breaking event of my entire life.  While I am blessed that she was in my life for 40 years, I miss her every single day and would give anything to just be able to pick up the phone and hear her voice again.  I have come to the realization that I cannot make it on my own and have leaned on my faith more than ever the past few years...

Despite some insurmountable odds, the problems we face may seem too large for us to handle on our own.  The good news is that there is no problem, circumstance, crisis or situation larger than our Loving Father.

While impossible situations make you understand how limited your resources truly are and exhaust your strength, they set the stage for God to do the unimaginable-all by using His supernatural power to work miracles,  show His love, offer forgiveness, meet needs, and change lives.

Some situations seem impossible, but with God, anything is possible.

Monday, March 18, 2024



The Lord rewarded me for doing right.  He has seen my innocence.  To the faithful you show yourself faithful; to those with integrity you show integrity.  To the pure you show yourself pure, but to the wicked you show yourself hostile.  2 Samuel 22:25-27

When you think about faithfulness, what comes to mind?  A bride and groom exchanging vows on their wedding day? A parent being committed to always loving their children?  Being dependable to your neighbors and friends?  Giving your very best at work?

Faithfulness originated from our Loving Father...time and time again through the ages, He has shown His faithfulness to His people.

There is no substitute for the security in a relationship that stems from faithfulness and there is nothing that builds our confidence and eternal security more than knowing that God will always remain faithful to us!

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Success Yourself


The Holy Spirit...bears us up in our weakness.  Romans 8:26

Our oldest son, Elliott (16 years old), goes to great lengths to 'fit in' with some of his upper classman friends; especially some of High School teammates on the football team.  As adults, it’s not too much different for us either.  Think of how many people project false images of themselves through social media each and every day.

The truth of the matter is that I am tired of playing games and trying to be someone that I am not. There is a lot of freedom in just being accepted as we are without being facing the pressures of being someone we simply are not.

God wants us to accept ourselves for who we are, and wants us to actually like who we are, despite our weaknesses. Everyone has weaknesses, but we must realize that God will never reject us because of them.

We must also be careful of placing too much value on our weaknesses because we will then underestimate our value. Our worth is not based on anything good or bad that we have ever done/are doing/will do, but on what God has already done.

We were purchased at a high price and yes we have all disappointed God, but God will never abandon us because He loves us just the way we are. So tell Satan to 'stuff it' the next time he tries to convince you that you don't measure up to someone else’s standards!

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Canary In A Coalmine


May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ.  2 Thessalonians 3:5

Recently, I have been seeking God's wisdom and guidance about a specific situation,  and began to grow tired and frustrated because I just couldn't seem to hear any kind of answer.  I was hearing other people's insight without a doubt, but nothing from God.  It finally dawned on me that I was neglecting an important aspect of my faith walk by not digging deeper into His Word, which is the reason I was not feeling God's nudge either way.

God can and will speak His truths into our lives if we allow Him to.  When seeking Him, He will always move us closer to His will and His never ending love.  He always leads us to what is right, never wrong, and His answers to our prayers are clear cut, definitive, and absolute.

If you think you can truly seek God by only showing up to church on Sundays or just praying your personal wish list, save yourself some time and frustration by incorporating God's Word into your daily routine.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Everyday I Write The Book


“Stop your striving and recognize that I am God!  I will be exalted over the nations!  I will be exalted over the earth!”  Psalm 46:10

God sure has a unique way of speaking to me.  As stubborn as I am, He often hits me with the same truth(s) over and over again until I finally yield.  The past month has provided a wonderful season of Spiritual growth for me and the reoccurring themes that I have been focusing on are: ‘giving up control’ and ‘yielding to God.’  Almost daily, I have either read or heard something regarding the subject matter of ‘letting go and letting God.’

The key to giving up control in our life and submitting to God requires us to be patient and wait while remaining hopeful and trusting.  These virtues certainly do not come natural for me, as I would like to have some say over matters or hang onto a false sense of belief that I am actually in control of my life.  Our strength is found in our weaknesses and our patience in waiting for Christ to do His work, which is evidence that we honestly do trust Him.

Hoping is directly tied to our future inheritance in heaven, but the benefits of hope can be experienced right now.  Instead of trying to manipulate or ‘control’ every aspect of our lives, we must learn to just live each day simply looking for or just being aware of His presence.  Your eyes will be opened to a whole new world realizing that God is the one who is in control and his plans are for our good!

Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Seeker


You will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.  Deuteronomy 4:29

Being a creature of habit, I like to keep to my same routines each and every day.  While I have maintained my normal exercise regimen and other morning rituals, I have not been digging deep into scripture too much.  In fact, I have felt convicted about not spending much time seeking God by reading my bible, so yesterday morning, I read Luke 11, and, as always, that verse was exactly the one I needed for the day that awaited me.

To ‘seek’ God means to pursue Him as the only source of definitive truth and wisdom.  Instead of letting our problems pile up and seeking God out of desperation, how different would our lives be if we sought Him first and foremost in all matters?

To seek God and His way puts us on the path of a life that is blessed and pleasing to Him. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

If You Leave Me Now


“My God, why have you forsaken me?” –Jesus Christ  Matthew 27:46

To put today’s passage of scripture into context, Jesus spoke the above words from Matthew 27 after He had been nailed to the cross for well over nine excruciating hours.  These words are certainly perplexing as one would cannot imagine how God’s beloved Son could be forsaken.  I believe that it was in those final moments on the cross that Jesus suffered spiritual agony as He was bearing the guilt of the world on Himself by becoming sin for all of mankind. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

There are have been many circumstances in where I have felt like I too, was forsaken or that God had abandoned me.  However-the reality is, God has NEVER left my side and NEVER will.  If you have ever felt this way, please understand that God is bigger than any circumstance you can ever possibly face in your lifetime.  More importantly, as believers in the body of faith, we also must learn to live above our circumstances as well.

Doing this will require us to spend more ‘focused’ time with Christ who is the One who overcame this world.  When we live in His presence, we are set free from the bondage to trouble and anxiety that is common in the world and little by little we lifted up above our circumstances.  We also begin to see our lives from Jesus’ perspective which, in turn, helps us to discern what is important an what is not.

Rest in the peaceful presence of our Loving Father knowing that he will never leave us or forsake us; we can all live with a joy that can never be taken away from us!

Tuesday, March 12, 2024



Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.  Jeremiah 33:3

Thankfully, I have never had a first-hand experience with a near-death encounter, but I have always found interviews with people who have survived the unimaginable very interesting.

Living a “Spirit-filled” life begins with the realization that we are absolutely helpless and hopeless without the power of the Holy Spirit.  Until we have an understanding that God is in total control of our lives and everything else in the universe, we will never experience the true power of the Holy Spirit that dwells within each believer.

When we don't draw our strength from the Holy Spirit, we only use our strength and for that reason, we work in vein.  It may not take us experiencing some near fatal accident or miracle to understand that God is in control and we are helpless, but God is an expert at creating circumstances so that we find ourselves completely dependent on Him.